Hi, I’m Linstar!

Check out my stuff:

  • Of Trainees and Wizarding Schools (PPC Mission)

    Notes: The PPC belong to Jay and Acacia. Carlisle Cressington is the original creation of Linstar, one of the writers of this mission. Émilie Beauchamp is loosely based on a character in a badfic by LoverOfAnime1. Her home continuum, Ratatouille, belongs to Disney and Pixar Animation Studios. Fáelán Portavius is the creation of KnShirayuki, one…

  • Snow Problem (PPC Interlude)

    Notes: The Protectors of the Plot Continuum were created by Jay and Acacia, and the PPC is theirs. This Interlude is written with Permission. Captain Dandy is a free-use Flower, created by Huinesoron. Mina and Carlisle are my creation, and Charity is based on a version of Cho Chang ( who is J. K. Rowling’s)…

  • Eternal Sue (PPC Mission)

    Note: The Protectors of the Plot Continuum belongs to Jay and Acacia, and this is an authorized spinoff. Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. The fic being sporked, I’m not Okay, belongs to Raven (AKA bloodytearz666). Carlisle and Mina are Linstar’s. The views expressed by the agents in this fic are their own, and…

  • Maya Sue (PPC Mission)

    Disclaimer: The PPC belongs to Jay and Acacia. Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. Ghost of You, the fic being sporked, belongs to Raven and Tara Gilesbie. Carlisle and Mina are mine, though. Thanks to Ekwy, OrangeFox, and Kittyauthor for beta’ing. Note: This takes place directly after Interlude Zero.

  • An Introduction (PPC Interlude)

    Note: this work was originally written in May 2022. Disclaimer: The Protectors of the Plot Continuum belongs to Jay and Acacia. This is an authorized spinoff, and Mina and Carlisle belong to me.

  • Linstar sporks an essay with Ki no Shirayuki

    (Note from Linstar: this was originally going to go up on Das Sporking, but it ended up here instead.) Yuki: Aaand whaddya know, after a who-knows-how-long unofficial hiatus, I’m back with a juicy spork for you guys. It’s a… controversial… article written by author Kathleen Hale for The Guardian, and hoo boy is it a…

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